Online Counseling Schools

Deciding which online counseling school to attend can be a daunting task.  Trying to determine which online counseling program is right for you can be time consuming. breaks down the most important qualities of an online counseling program and those online counseling schools that offer psychology, counseling and related programs.

If you know the right questions to ask an advisor, it can save you a lot of time and headaches.  We’ve asked currently enrolled students what was most pressing to them when choosing a school. And we’ve compiled this list that includes the most important factors to consider when choosing to enroll in an online counseling program. Please see below our school ranking pages for more information on schools offering counseling psychology programs.

What are the most important factors when considering a school?

  1. Tuition Rates
  2. Transfer Credits
  3. The number of terms for each academic year
  4. Program length
  5. Standardized Testing Requirements
  6. Program Concentrations
  7. Admission Deadlines
  8. Application Fees

Tuition Rates

Schools may increase, decrease or freeze tuition rates. You may want to look into online counseling schools that either have a history of freezing tuition rates or those that have few and low increases over time. Some schools may list these on a per semester credit, per quarter credit, per course or per program. Regardless of anything else, tuition remains to be the most important factor influencing decisions. As a result of this, we list schools ranging from low to high tuition rates.

Transfer Credits

Does the school accept transfer credits and how many credits will they accept? Being able to transfer existing course credits can save you tons of money on your education. Depending on whether you’re enrolling in an undergraduate or graduate program will influence the amount of credits that will transfer over to your school. Typically, you can transfer up to 80 credits for an undergraduate program and up to 15 transfer credits for a graduate counseling program.

# of Terms

This means the number of terms in an academic year. The more terms offered, the quicker you can complete your counseling or psychology program. Many online schools offer 8-week terms compared to the traditional 2 semesters (fall and spring).

Program Length

Credit Hours or number of general education and counseling courses needed to complete your counseling or psychology program. Knowing how many courses you need to take can help you plan out your education path.

Standardized Testing

Does the school require for admission SAT scores for undergraduate degrees or GRE scores for graduate degrees? More often than not, schools are waiving GRE requirements for counseling programs.

Program Concentrations

If you have a strong interest in a specific topic in counseling or psychology, you may want to consider a school that offers a concentration in the area that excites you.

Admission Deadline

Know when you need to submit your counseling or psychology application for admission into your school of choice. Some schools may have rolling admissions, while others may have a few deadlines per year.

Application Fees

Application fees are an extra cost required to process your counseling application. Most schools may waive this fee or don’t even have one at all. Ask about any ongoing promotions or waiver periods if it’s not already clear on the school’s website.

Start your school search today!